Recording Midi with DR880

This is an example of recording a Midi pattern into MusE 3.0.2 using Qjackctl and a Boss DR-880 with USB Midi.

The basic procedure should be the same for most devices but device details do differ from one to another. e.g., some devices always require enabling the Midi channels to send, they don’t default to any channel being ON.


  1. Prepare the device for transmitting Midi.

    DR-880 Midi settings:

    • Connect the DR-880 to the computer.
    • Go to the pattern you want to transfer.
    • Press Edit.
    • Scroll through the list to “USB”.
      • Set Mode to “MIDI”.
      • Exit once, then Exit again to the Edit list.
    • Select “Midi -> Setting”.
      • Note the Channels for Drum and Bass; defaults are 10 and 2.
      • Set “Sync Mode” to “Internal”.
      • Exit once, then Exit back to the Pattern screen.
  2. Start MusE.

  3. Go to Qjackctl:

    • Open Connect -> ALSA.
    • Connect “Readable clients ->”0:DR-880 MIDI 1" to “Writable clients -> 0:MusE Port 0”.
    Jack Connections
    Jack Connections
    • To also use the DR-880 as the output device:

      Connect “Readable clients ->”0:MusE Port 0" to “Writable clients -> 0:DR-880 MIDI 1”.

  4. In MusE:

    • Go to “Muse Settings -> Midi sync”; this shows a table of devices and their sync options.
    Midi Sync Dialog
    Midi Sync Dialog
    • Set the JACK options:

      • Use Jack Transport: ON
      • Make Muse the Jack Transport time base master: ON
      • Slave to external sync: OFF
    • Set the DR-880 row to:

      • s(ync) - ON
      • c(lock) - ON (set by MusE)
      • rw (Receive start rewinds before playing) - ON
      • rid = tid = 127 (all)
      • all others OFF

Set up the recording track



If the pattern isn’t recorded, a common problem is that the device Midi output channel numbers don’t match the MusE input channels. Reviewing those before doing anything else is a good first step.