
How to use multichannel audio plugins (by Oscillator)


Learn how to make a synthpop song with MusE (by Oscillator).

Demo video


Recording MIDI with DR-880 (by lctrcvw)


MusE 2.2 tutorials

Tutorial 1, showing how to start muse and get sound

Tutorial 2, showing various editing tricks, plugins and automation

Tutorial 3, setting up and recording with metronome

Tutorial 4, recording audio

Tutorial 5, how to use the TAL vocoder

Tutorial 6, connecting a sidechain compressor

Older tutorials

Here are some older tutorials for MusE 1.0, most of the things shown is still valid so keep watching!

Old Tutorial 1 Some basics

Old Tutorial 2 More midi functions

(pt 1 and pt 2, youtube didn’t allow the full length in one video)

Old Tutorial 3 drum programming